
It's been a while, here are some updates =D

So tomorrow is the official first day of school -_- but I do have good news! For the first time in my entire back to school career, I actually love my hair lol. I remember the years when I would get a fresh touch up right before school started up again just so I would look fresh, and by the end of the week  I would HATE  how flat and lifeless my hair looked.  Not this semester, honey, I'm going back with style and I'm gonna WORK this transitioning curly head.

On Sunday, I washed my hair and while playing in my hair semi-drying, I picked up a pair of scissors and did a semi mini-chop in a back section. I chopped off about an inch or 2 of relaxed hair (all that was back there) and immediately felt freedom. I was even more excited to see that my hair was actually long enough in the back to be seen in the front during it's natural state, and when stretched, it reached the nape of my neck! My baby is growing!!!!

Another update for you guys:

My mom is actually semi-supportive. I haven't heard "get a perm" from her in a while.She actually offered to mini twist my hair which I refuse because of the relaxed ends. I KNOW  they will not cooperate, and this past weekend, she offered to weave it so it can grow which I refuse because weaves are annoying. But I do appreciate the support!

I can't wait til i'm 100% natural. The world aint ready for the gorgeosity of my curls ;)

Pictures will follow soon....stay tuned!!!

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