
Low Maintenance Hurr

Does anyone else practice low maintenance hair like me? I sure hope so! Here is my daily routine.

Come home from a long day of school/work,
take out my band and pins from my puff,
and go to sleep (on my satin pillowcase, of course)

and in the morning, I:

wake up to a flattened fro,
spritz with water,
massage with my shea butter mix and my none of your frizzness leave- in (occassionally, i massage my scalp with some coconut oil or castor oil),
and leave!

simple, right?!?!?!


What is your daily routine?


nappy headed black girl said...

Wake up
Throw on headband

lol Yeah, it's really that simple

I don't even spritz daily anymore. I used to but found that my hair doesn't really need it

shamika said...

i'm thinking that I need to start doing more than that since it's getting colder in jersey. it's like 20 something degrees and my hair has been yelling at me, so i started to apply my concoction again along with some oils. Hopefully she (my hair) responds better to that.

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