
shea butter for easy detangling???

Last time we spoke, I told you guys that I was going to try whipping the shea butter with coconut oil to prevent it from rehardening and for easier application aaand I did!I followed that tutorial I said I was going to follow and surprisingly, it worked. Not only did my mixture not harden, but my concoction was straight success. I applied it to my hair overnight and my hair felt like cotton for a straight week. It was sooooooo soft! I'm really thinking about packaging and selling it. What do you guys think?


LadyD said...

I have dreds and I use the sheabutter mixture to twist, however I add castor oil almond oil and an essential oil for fragrance. It is good for the skin also. Good luck.

shamika said...

I use castor and sweet almond oil too to seal my ends. My hair is absolutely in love with oils. I also love using natural products because wen it falls on your skin, you don't gotta worry about breaking out :)

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