
I can feel the difference in the texture at the roots!

Apparently, my hair, like me, loves attention because it's been thriving well. I've noticed recently that my hair is getting thicker and softer. It's so weird because when I used to relax my hair, I would notice how coarse my hair was when it needed touching up, but now, 3 (almost 4) months post-relaxer, my hair is growing out of my scalp soft and not at all coarse. Here's my regimen:

I twist n curl every night because I like the fresh look.
I use my Oragnic Root Stimulator Olive Oil as a sealer at the roots and ends, and my Lustrasilk olive oil protein to keep my hair moist.
I also use my Infusium 23 leave-in treatment before I start my twists.

I actually haven't been washing or rinsing my hair everyday like I thought I would, I just mist it with water in a spray bottle and my hair has been surprisingly moist and responsive to my olive oil fetish. One thing I've noticed, though, was that my ends are really weak (snapping off) which is probably a result of the micro braids ( i haven't cut the ends just yet, but when I do, I'm thinking 2 inches). I don't really care about that though, I'm trying to get rid of my relaxed ends anyway =D

That's just a quick update on my progress, I'll post pictures when I try my new style (two strand flat twists). I'm actually thinking about doing that this week, but I have to wait for a sunny day because I'm doing lemon juice highlights, too!


twist n curl results!

What I did was take out the curlers and take apart the twists and fluff them,and they looked a hott mess! So i smoothed the sides back, made a little hump up top and came up with this look!


They're all out!!!

After treacherous yanking and unbraiding, all of those micro braids are finally out!!! While, they looked good when they were in, taking them out is hell!!! But, now that they are out I am so excited. After I took my braids out, I washed my hair and fought with the knots thinking that my hair wouldn't get tangled. What I should have done was plait my hair into sections before washing them to avoid tangles, and that is definitely what I'll do next time. Anyway, I washed and conditioned with Pantene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural (2 for $7 at Kmart), then I put Lustrasil Olive Oil Cholesterol and Infusium 23 Leave-In Treatment [Moisturology] which made my hair feel extremely soft and moist. After that, I put my hair into perm rods for Curly Nikki's Twist-n-curl. I'll show pictures of the results tomorrow if I can. Also I'll try to remember to upload the picture of my two different textures.
Wish me luck!!


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I am also an aspiring writer on the side while i complete my bachelor's degree in English. I recently got hired to be a freelancer on examiner.com and I'd really appreciate your support. Check out my column. Look for new articles on wonen's style daily. i hope you enjoy!!


Finally taking them out!

Its been a while, but as we speak, I'm taking these braids out of my hair!!! I have soooo much new growth after only a month and a half with the braids in (in some parts up to 2.5 inches). I'm really excited to finally take them out and condition my hair (i washed it 2 days ago with the braids in) and see my true texture! before I put the braids in, I had about 2 inches of new growth after 2 months w/o relaxing my hair so now there should be about 4 inches of new growth...well four stretched inches so im excited. Im actually going to the beauty supply store after I'm done typing this to pick up some products:
  • Lekair Cholesterol (probably the one with olive oil)
  • Perm Rods for the twist n curl style I found on agrlcanmac.com
  • Infusium Leave-In conditioner
These products will help me to get my regime started: co-washing every other day with my leave in and deep conditioning with my lekair.

Wish me luck!!
Expect pictures soon!!
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