
Finally taking them out!

Its been a while, but as we speak, I'm taking these braids out of my hair!!! I have soooo much new growth after only a month and a half with the braids in (in some parts up to 2.5 inches). I'm really excited to finally take them out and condition my hair (i washed it 2 days ago with the braids in) and see my true texture! before I put the braids in, I had about 2 inches of new growth after 2 months w/o relaxing my hair so now there should be about 4 inches of new growth...well four stretched inches so im excited. Im actually going to the beauty supply store after I'm done typing this to pick up some products:
  • Lekair Cholesterol (probably the one with olive oil)
  • Perm Rods for the twist n curl style I found on agrlcanmac.com
  • Infusium Leave-In conditioner
These products will help me to get my regime started: co-washing every other day with my leave in and deep conditioning with my lekair.

Wish me luck!!
Expect pictures soon!!

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