
Embracing the inner me - Natural Sunshine.com

This is a post that i put on my Natural Sunshine page (community for naturals) on July 4th. I actually didn't realize, until now, the symbolism in this post being written on independence day. I'm a strong believer in signs, and this sign, to me, signifies success. My journey WILL be successful, it has no choice:

One thing I'm learning in my journey is to be comfortable with myself. I'm the type of person who really couldn't care less about what alot of people think about me. The way I see it, no matter what you do, someone somewhere is gonna have a problem with it, so just do you. That's why I do me! That's one of my reasons for transitioning. I wanted to be me. I really love the woman I am becoming and I feel that in order to fully become that woman, I need to "do me." The shamika I see in the future has curly hair, she knows what she wants, and she's not afraid to go get it. That's really who I strive to be. I find myself admiring my curls and my new growth, but sometimes when I try to pull my hair back and it's not perfectly flat, I get a little upset and I kind of miss my relaxed roots. I need remember the reason I chose to do this transition: to essentially liberate myself from the mental and physical constraints I've allowed others to put on me. So, what I'm going to do is continue my journey and not give up because I really want this. I finally have control over something in my life and I love it! I have decided that for my birthday, which will be 9 months post-relaxer, I am going to BC. Im going to start my twenty first year off the way I want to....finally.


Anonymous said...

ahem lol. wat does BC mean...

Guess whoo <3

shamika said...

lol it means "big chop" which is when I cut off all my relaxed ends, vii.

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