
YouTube - The Natural Hair Revolution! "Beauty Lies" part1

YouTube - The Natural Hair Revolution! "Beauty Lies" part1

The videos above opened up my mind to actually think about the origination of the relaxer. I've done research papers on women's fashion throughout different decades, and for the most part, fashion changed and evolved due to the simple want to change (with a few exceptions, of course). Makeup was invented to enhance features, curly perms and waves were invented for style, and etc. What I was frightened to learn was the reason the relaxer was invented: to make us, black women, resemble the our mistresses, the white woman. Now, don't get me wrong, anyone who knows me knows that I'm not one of those people who preach at you about black rights and everything, nor am I one of those people who are anti-white. I am actually guilty of saying that I would never go natural because it wouldn't look right on me. What I failed to realize was that I was born with natural hair and I had natural hair for 6 years, I was put on this earth with natural hair, so why wouldn't it look right?

Most women who relax their hair have either never seen their hair natural or have had perms for so long that they don't remember seeing their hair natural. We've been told for so long that our hair is too nappy and unmanageable to wear natural and most of us just believed that myth failing to realize that we aren't the only black women here on this earth. There are black women all over the world who are able to take care of their hair and wear it quite beautifully, so why can't we. There are tons of beautiful styles that we can do with our natural hair that we cannot do with limp relaxed hair. Natural hair can be stylish! It's actually more manageable and easier to style than relaxed hair. We need to take a step back and actually learn about ourselves and our hair and ask ourselves, why we're relaxing our hair. Do you really have a reason?

I'm actually trying to get an interview with the woman who made this video. I'll let you guys know how things go, stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

likey , this makes a lot of sense

vii <3

shamika said...

thanks darling!!!

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