
two strand twist into a curly frohawk


LazyCouchPotato said...

This is a great look for you! Very sexy!

nappy headed black girl said...

I really dig this...great job!

Did you do it yourself? What products were used?

shamika said...

@Natural Nubian thanks!!

@nappy headed black girl thank u! I did do it myself, I was so proud! For my two strand flat twists, I used my moisture spritz to wet the section I was doing, then u detangled and used Eco styler on the roots to make it smooth. For the Mohawk part, I used the spritz and put extra castor oil on the ends cuz they're still relaxed and I two strand twisted it into Bantu knots. When I took the knots down in the morning, it produced fabulous curls. I'm not sure if the knots will work on purely natural hair the same way, if not, try perm rods.

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